강좌 회차별 커리큘럼 안내입니다. 강좌의 진행에 따라 변경 될 수 있습니다.
회차 |
단원명 |
샘플강좌 |
강의시간 |
1회차 |
1. Introduction to inventory management. |
43분 |
2회차 |
2. Types and functions of inventory. |
44분 |
3회차 |
3. Inventory cost and ABC analysis. |
60분 |
4회차 |
4. Item inventory management: order planning. |
53분 |
5회차 |
5. Setting safety stock and inventory control. |
44분 |
6회차 |
6. Types of inventory. |
53분 |
7회차 |
7. Functions and costs of inventory. |
53분 |
8회차 |
8. Inventory valuation and ABC classification. |
43분 |
9회차 |
9. Order planning for independent demand. |
50분 |
10회차 |
10. Calculation of safety stock. |
48분 |
11회차 |
11. Inventory control and cycle counting. |
14분 |