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CPIM 이론과정 전제 (10% 할인)
교수님 이승현
수강료 387,338원
수강기간 30 학습방식 콘텐츠 자율 수강방식
학습시간 78시간 58 상태 수강신청 가능
커리큘럼 91 맛보기
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강좌 회차별 커리큘럼 안내입니다. 강좌의 진행에 따라 변경 될 수 있습니다.
1. Strategy and Supply Chain Management.
회차 단원명 샘플강좌 강의시간
1회차 Business environment. 60분
2회차 Business strategy. 40분
3회차 Competitive advantage and PLC. 57분
4회차 Manufacturing environment. 49분
5회차 Manufacturing process and facility layout. 51분
6회차 Supply chain relationship and SCM. 54분
7회차 Elements of supply chain. 67분
8회차 Corporate strategy process. 55분
9회차 Types of business strategy 73분
10회차 Operations strategy_structure decisions 63분
11회차 Operations strategy_infrastructure decisions 67분
12회차 Strategic issues. 18분
13회차 Strategic issues_SCM_planning 53분
14회차 Strategic issues_SCM_execution 34분
15회차 Strategic issues_new product development 47분
16회차 Strategic issues_cost accounting 63분
17회차 Strategic issues_performance measurements 34분
2. Demand Management.
회차 단원명 샘플강좌 강의시간
1회차 Introduction to demand forecasting. 50분
2회차 Types of demand. 59분
3회차 Forecasting principles and techniques. 49분
4회차 Quantitative forecasting techniques. 56분
5회차 Forecasting error analysis. 46분
6회차 Forecasting process & data preparation 84분
7회차 Forecasting models_qualitative 39분
8회차 Forecasting models_quantitative 56분
9회차 Forecasting error analysis & safety stock 56분
10회차 Order management & CRM 54분
3. Sales & Operations Planning.
회차 단원명 샘플강좌 강의시간
1회차 1. Introduction to master planning. 51분
2회차 2. Manufacturing planning and control system. 50분
3회차 3. Sales and operations planning. 48분
4회차 4. S&OP process 60분
5회차 5. Production(aggregate) planning 45분
6회차 6. Resource requirement planning 45분
4. Master Production Scheduling.
회차 단원명 샘플강좌 강의시간
1회차 Inputs and process of master scheduling 59분
2회차 MPS and PP, RCCP and FAS 60분
3회차 Master scheduling process 74분
4회차 Setting parameters for MPS 51분
5회차 Master scheduling in ATP: planning bill & two-level scheduling 58분
6회차 Rough-cut capacity planning & FAS 52분
5. Detailed Materials & Capacity Planning
회차 단원명 샘플강좌 강의시간
1회차 1. Material requirements plan. 56분
2회차 2. Inputs & process of MRP. 64분
3회차 3. Managing materials plan. 62분
4회차 4. Capacity planning process. 48분
5회차 5. Capacity determination. 48분
6회차 6. Capacity requirements planning. 48분
7회차 7. Material requirements planning. 70분
8회차 8. Bill of materials (BOM). 59분
9회차 9. Inventory records and MPS. 35분
10회차 10. Managing MRP. 44분
11회차 11. Project management. 45분
12회차 12. Project scheduling methods. 48분
13회차 13. Detailed capacity planning. 65분
14회차 14. Infinite and finite capacity planning. 65분
15회차 15. Purchasing and Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) 70분
6. Production Activity Control (PAC).
회차 단원명 샘플강좌 강의시간
1회차 1. Introduction to PAC. 60분
2회차 2. PAC and Manufacturing Process. 48분
3회차 3. Techniques for PAC. 70분
4회차 4. Production activity control (PAC). 45분
5회차 5. Manufacturing process. 45분
6회차 6. Facility layouts and techniques. 60분
7회차 7. Rate based scheduling. 41분
8회차 8. Operations scheduling and PAC techniques. 48분
9회차 9. Bottleneck and LT management, and I/O control. 48분
10회차 10. Push system: order preparation, execution and reporting. 58분
11회차 11. Characteristics of pull system. 52분
12회차 12. JIT production and Kanban. 54분
7. Inventory Management.
회차 단원명 샘플강좌 강의시간
1회차 1. Introduction to inventory management. 43분
2회차 2. Types and functions of inventory. 44분
3회차 3. Inventory cost and ABC analysis. 60분
4회차 4. Item inventory management: order planning. 53분
5회차 5. Setting safety stock and inventory control. 44분
6회차 6. Types of inventory. 53분
7회차 7. Functions and costs of inventory. 53분
8회차 8. Inventory valuation and ABC classification. 43분
9회차 9. Order planning for independent demand. 50분
10회차 10. Calculation of safety stock. 48분
11회차 11. Inventory control and cycle counting. 14분
8. Physical Distribution.
회차 단원명 샘플강좌 강의시간
1회차 1. Elements of physical distribution. 61분
2회차 2. Distribution planning. 55분
3회차 3. No. of stocking locations. 48분
4회차 4. Distribution replenishment planning. 57분
5회차 5. Value enhancement activities. 46분
9. TQM, Continuous Improvement and Technologies.
회차 단원명 샘플강좌 강의시간
1회차 1. Introduction to TQM, JIT and TOC. 39분
2회차 2. Quality definition and TQM. 60분
3회차 3. Techniques for quality management. 58분
4회차 4. JIT and Kanban production. 54분
5회차 5. Theory of constraints and DBR. 15분
6회차 6. Quality definition and quality costs. 50분
7회차 7. TQM & Hoshin planning. 50분
8회차 8. Problems solving tools. 45분
9회차 9. Statistical process control (SPC). 52분
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