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CPIM 문제풀이 전체 (10% 할인)
교수님 이승현
수강료 270,000원
수강기간 30 학습방식 콘텐츠 자율 수강방식
학습시간 52시간 45 상태 수강신청 가능
커리큘럼 64 맛보기
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강좌 회차별 커리큘럼 안내입니다. 강좌의 진행에 따라 변경 될 수 있습니다.
Ch.1 Strategy & Supply Chain Management.
회차 단원명 샘플강좌 강의시간
1회차 Manufacturing Strategy and SCM_1 53분
2회차 Manufacturing Strategy and SCM_2 33분
3회차 Corporate & Business Strategy 45분
4회차 Operations strategy_structure decisions_1 53분
5회차 Operations strategy_structure decisions_2 46분
6회차 Operation strategy_planning system 31분
7회차 Operation strategy_workforce involvement 37분
8회차 Operation strategy_supply chain management (SCM) 37분
9회차 Operation strategy_new product development (NPD) 26분
10회차 Operation strategy_cost management 32분
11회차 Operation strategy_TQM & JIT 44분
12회차 Strategy implementation and project management 40분
13회차 Performance measurement & change management 38분
Ch.2 Demand Management.
회차 단원명 샘플강좌 강의시간
1회차 Demand Forecasting_1 53분
2회차 Demand Forecasting_2 35분
3회차 Demand management_1 58분
4회차 Demand management_2 54분
5회차 Forecasting error analysis 52분
6회차 Forecasting error analysis & safety stock 32분
Ch.3 Sales and Operations Plan(S&OP).
회차 단원명 샘플강좌 강의시간
1회차 Sales & Operations Planning. 46분
2회차 S&OP process. 63분
3회차 Production & resource planning 76분
Ch.4 Master Production Scheduling.
회차 단원명 샘플강좌 강의시간
1회차 Master Production Scheduling_1 43분
2회차 Master Production Scheduling_2 37분
3회차 Inputs & process of master schedule 93분
4회차 Rough-cut capacity planning and FAS 75분
5회차 Managing MPS 50분
Ch.5 Detailed Materials & Capacity Planning.
회차 단원명 샘플강좌 강의시간
1회차 Material Requirements Planning_1 45분
2회차 Material Requirements Planning_2 42분
3회차 Capacity requirements planning 52분
4회차 Detailed materials planning 66분
5회차 Detailed materials planning & project scheduling 54분
6회차 Managing materials plan-1 55분
7회차 Managing materials plan-2 36분
8회차 Detailed capacity planning 44분
9회차 Physical supply 75분
10회차 Procurement & purchasing process 49분
11회차 Supplier partnership & SCM-1 50분
12회차 Supplier partnership & SCM-2 47분
Ch.6 Production Activity Control(PAC).
회차 단원명 샘플강좌 강의시간
1회차 Production Activity Control(PAC)_1 60분
2회차 Production Activity Control(PAC)_2 44분
3회차 Shop floor control-1 64분
4회차 Shop floor control-2 41분
5회차 Production activity control_planning 73분
6회차 Production activity control_controlling 35분
7회차 Push system-1 40분
8회차 Push system-2 32분
9회차 Pull system-1 57분
10회차 Pull system-2 34분
11회차 Performance measurement 64분
Ch.7 Inventory Management.
회차 단원명 샘플강좌 강의시간
1회차 Inventory Management_1 59분
2회차 Inventory Management_2 51분
3회차 Inventory Management_3 25분
4회차 Aggregate Inventory Management 58분
5회차 Item Inventory Management 68분
Ch.8 Physical Distribution.
회차 단원명 샘플강좌 강의시간
1회차 Physical distribution_1 57분
2회차 Physical distribution_2 28분
3회차 Distribution planning 71분
4회차 Distribution inventory management 51분
Ch.9 TQM, Continuous Improvement & Technologies
회차 단원명 샘플강좌 강의시간
1회차 Total quality management (TQM). 54분
2회차 JIT, continuous improvement and TOC_1. 54분
3회차 JIT, continuous improvement and TOC_2. 29분
4회차 TQM, continuous improvement and SPC_1. 65분
5회차 TQM, continuous improvement and SPC_2. 54분
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